Over four weeks children will use a £5 pledge to get their business ideas off the ground.
A highly interactive and fun programme, for children aged 5-11, introducing enterprise and financial education and enhancing key skills, including creativity, problem solving, teamwork and confidence.
The four weeks of the challenge are outlined below:
Introduce the Fiver Challenge and explore entrepreneurship using the Introduction to Fiver Slides.
At the end of Weeks 1 and 3, children will have the opportunity to enter two challenge competitions:
All competitions will be open once the challenge begins, and entries can be uploaded whenever they are ready. You can check the competition deadlines on the Key Dates page.
Each entry can be submitted in various file formats – full details, upload instructions and judging criteria will be available once you register to the challenge.
The National Fiver Challenge Competition runs at the end of the four week programme.
Each category is divided in two awards: either by the age groups of 5-8 years and 9-11 years or a winner and runner up.
The judges will look for evidence of innovation, creativity and problem solving within all the awards alongside stories of teamwork and personal development.
Find out more about Fiver in our brochure.
Looking for something that you and your children can do before the Challenge starts?
Why not check out Fiver DIY which is now available all year round. These resources provide an easy way for children to take their first step into enterprise and financial education and prepare them for the Fiver Challenge launching in June.