Fiver DIY

Looking for a fun first step into the world of business that can be delivered by teachers or led by parents?

Fiver DIY is the hypothetical version of the Fiver Challenge that allows children to imagine what business they could create with just £5. This mini project uses the core elements of the Fiver Challenge to inspire your children to actively learn, develop and grow their entrepreneurial skills, at home or at school. 

Fiver DIY is available to be delivered all year round, over a timeframe decided by the school or parent delivering the project. This allows children of different abilities to work at their own pace and dedicate as much time as they need to each step.  It can be used as a stand-alone project across the school or as a way for students to kick start their business ideas, so they are ready for the Fiver Challenge.

During the project children will use the workbook to complete activities such as creating a business name and logo, doing market research, planning their products or service and finishing with writing and presenting a Sales Poster to someone in their house or classroom.

For parents supervising or delivering Fiver DIY we have Top Tips for Parents sheet that offers a few suggestions on how to keep your children engaged and having fun throughout the project.


At the end of the workbook children can use the Fiver DIY Checklist to make sure they have completed everything.

Once they have, they can add their name to our Fiver DIY Certificate which celebrates their achievement and lists the skills they’ve helped to develop over the project.


Once participants have completed Fiver DIY we´d like to hear you thoughts on the impact of the project. Please spend a couple of minutes completing our Survey