Fiver DIY

Pitch it

Step Four: Pitch It!


The fourth and final step is Pitch It!

In the final part of the workbook children create and present a sales poster to someone in their home. They will learn how to persuade investors’ to believe in their business, developing their confidence and persuasion skills.

Ask children to look back on the previous steps of the project and bring each stage together to create the sales poster - ask them to talk about what makes their business unique and why they chose it. To talk about their costs (point out that they started with a Fiver, mention how much it cost them to create their product and how much they think they will make from sales) and why they are confident that their product or service will be popular with their customers - is it something that is missing from the market or something that will make an impact for their community?

There are plenty of tips on what to include and how to present the sales poster in the top tips sheet and workbook.


What your children will be doing

  • Prepare and present their sales poster


Resources for Pitch It!


At the end of the workbook children can use the Fiver DIY Checklist to make sure they have completed everything.

Once they have, they can add their name to our Fiver DIY Certificate which celebrates their achievement and lists the skills they’ve helped to develop over the project.


Once participants have completed Fiver DIY we´d like to hear you thoughts on the impact of the project. Please spend a couple of minutes completing our Survey